Monday, April 4, 2016

Knowledge, knowledge is good

I've been expecting you, whoever you are, for some time now. I also know why you have come. You have come seeking limitless knowledge. I have travelled long distances teaching my teaching sand fighting wrong doers. Now you have come to me seeking limitless knowledge about the past, present and future. You want to become strong beyond compare but what you must know is that before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind. There is much to teach and there is still much for you to learn. Yet there is not enough time. So instead of teaching you everything separately I will have to teach you the answer to everything my pupil. This will be my first but final teaching. But to prove you are worthy you must complete this final test. You must read what this amazing person had learnt during his first term in 2016.
Welcome my pupils. I am full of knowledge.

Hey guys!
That was the wise old ninja. You can call him Sensei. Do everything he says because he is wise and he is old. Trust me, the answer will be worth it.

So these are 3 things I learnt this term:

One thing that I learned was how to read a map. In camp Kieran (Our group's instructor) helped us navigate to read the map by telling us that you need to make the drawings on the map parallel to the real world. I'm not sure if I'll be able to use this skill later in life but it is still good to know. This skill will help me not to get lost as easily in the wild:)

Another thing I learnt was how to separate salt from sand after they are mixed together. In the process I have also learned that salt actually dissolves quickly after being exposed to water. The way you separate them is to pour water into the cup. This will dissolve the salt. Then you filter the sand from the water and you boil the water. This will leave you with the salt residue. At this point you should have separated the salt from the sand.

This is a diagram of what detergent molecules look like. 
The last of the three things that I learnt this term is that when you touch milk and different types of food colouring in a bowl with detergent the food colouring seems to avoid it. This happens because (as you see in the diagram) the water-loving body wants to connect to a water molecule while the grease-loving tail want to connect to a fat molecule. When eventually one end gets what it wants the other end still wants to find its desired molecule and goes 'crazy' while trying to do so. This is why the food colouring seems to try to avoid the detergent.

So these were 3 things I learned this term. Thanks for reading and see you next time!
I'll pass it on to the wise old ninja.

Well done my pupil you have pest my final test. You have now proven you are worthy of knowing the answer to everything:
The answer is............................................................................
