Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Merry Easter everybody even though it's a bit late for that but never mind about that let's get on with this post.

What did I do for Easter you may ask?
We drove up to New Plymouth with our family friends and stayed at Plymouth quality Hotel which was really nice. There was also a heated pool and a spa.

Easter Bro's
On the first day we went up a mountain which some of us climbed up and it was really fun. We also went to a modern art gallery where of course we saw some random and cool works of art. This is what some of the art was like:

Another thing I enjoyed was the Museum where you got to interact with almost everything in the bottom floor.

Well that's all for the peeps. Thank's for reading and see you next time!

Easter Bro's say hi!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I believe I can fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome back viewers of my blog. I have now returned from camp which was an amazing and fun experience. It is now time to share the wonder and amazingness of camp.

Our teams theme song
Some of the things I found most challenging was to try out all the activities when it came to the flying fox rock climbing, abseiling and bridge jumping. the hardest part was probably just starting myself off like letting goof the rail in the flying fox or getting the courage jumping of the bridge. The good thing is that I have defeated my rival: the Flying fox
I will return mwa, ha,ha! 

Some things that I found easy were having a good time and keeping a positive attitude especially when we were tramping. Actually I found it fin walking around in the bush and in the cave.

Was camp anything like you expected you may ask? Well thank you for asking. Let me think, the cabins were really cozy and warm, there was a lounge to hang around in with your friends, a shop. So in other words it was higher than  my expectations.

One of my favourite/proudest moments would probably be when I completed the flying fox or when I jumped off the bridge because those are not really things that I would usually do.

Once again it is the end of my blog post.
Thank you for reading and see you next time!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

OPC (Over Powered Children) Camp (in my eyes)

It's almost the moment we've all been waiting for (or we've been dreading)!
Camp is almost here!

I for one think camp is going to be amazing as well as a little bit scary and also very fun!
Some of the things I'm looking forward to is spending time with my friends especially since in all of the groups I am with them. Another thing I am looking forward to is caving, I haven't gone caving before but to me it sounds fun. The low ropes are another thing I'll be keen on trying out as well since in year 6 camp I was frightened of it but now I think it will be way less scary than last time, fun maybe?!

Flying Fox
There aren't many things that I'm nervous about year 8 camp. The main thing really is the high ropes because I've seen pictures of how high it is even though that's obviously why it's called "the high ropes". There would be no point in having high ropes that were barely higher than the low ropes. The only other thing is the flying fox which I'm a bit nervous about, though I'm pretty sure it's safe. The thing is that I darted myself to go first to redeem myself from my experience in year 6 camp.

Some things I'll try my best to do to make camp as amazing and fun as it possibly can be is give a positive outlook on everything and to try my best in everything even when I'm tired or things are tough. I will also be very supportive in every activity knowing that I'm also not very confident in every activity and not to push them into something that they don't want to do but just to encourage them enough that they'll give it a go. I will also try to be the nicest I can be so that people will want to hang around me!

That's it for this week folks!
So long and happy camping!