Thursday, June 30, 2016

Medieval stuff

Welcometh backeth readeth'rs. Lasteth week wast medieval week f'r mine own syndicate. ev'ryone in mine own class wast did split into groups of 4 and each of those folk hadst their owneth topics to maketh their activities bas'd off. Mine own group has't chosen medieval sicknesses as our topic.

Ehem, ehem! Sorry if you could not understand my amazing medieval talk back there. Anyway I've come here to talk about the activities on medieval week.

I think that our medieval lesson was actually pretty good apart from some facts we forgot to put in for our quiz. Our teamwork skill went well because we were always filling in for each other when we forgot what to say or our words got jumbled. Another thing that went well was when it was time to construct our power point most of my group pulled together and got the job done.

I also think that we could have worked better as a team when we first started. Our group basically had two different ideas and weren't sharing ideas any more but we eventually worked it out.

I enjoyed all of the other groups activities but the one that was my favourite was probably the merchant group. They taught us all about being a merchant and also set up a really fun trading game where you had to try to end up with the most money.

That's it for now guys. Thanks for reading and see you next time!

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