Monday, August 22, 2016

Josh R News

Welcome back to Josh R News. Todays news update: A man who jumped of a plane from over 25 000 and lived.
I'll hand it over to Joshua.

Thanks Joshua.
Now to the topic. On July 30th 2016 a 43-year-old man by the name of  Luke Aikins became the first man ever to jump of a plane at an altitude of 25 000 feet off the ground without a parachute or wing-suit. The only thing stopping him from hitting the ground and certain death was a 100-by 100 foot net suspended by 4 200 foot tall cranes. On his perilous jounce down Luke would have to use his experience combined with riding the air currents to get him to his desired location. He also had the help of sensors that beeped every time he went off course.

What made his 'safe' landing possible was the net that was made with high density polyethylene cord which is 2 times stronger than steel yet can stretch to max proportions. It was then given the nick-name, the Fly Trap. Upon landing Luke Aikins changes his positions to facing up at the sky instead of down. This allowed him to bend as much as he needed without a risk of  back injury.

This was definitely a dangerous stunt.


That's it for now. I'll hand it over to Joshua.

Thanks Joshua
That's it for now on Josh R News. See you next time with our next news update.

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