Thursday, September 22, 2016

Current news from N.A.S.A

Welcome back readers!
This will be my last blog post for this term so here's the topic for the post: what's going on in Space?

A 'storm' in space has been spotted in outer space. This was actually a group of hot and newly formed stars that were emitting very bright ultraviolet light. The heat made the hydrogen gas to glow.

This is thought of by scientists as the start of a massive star formation (galaxy). This group of stars is 160, 000 light years away and is south of the Tarantula nebula.

That's it for now folks!
I hope you enjoyed this terms blog posts!
See you next term!milky blue gasses, dark ruddy dust streaks and many stars

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Space Projects

Welcome back readers!
Today I will be talking/ typing about a space project that I have completed in the previous weeks.
Let's blast off into today's blog post.

Image result for funny space gifMy favourite activity so far would probably be my space crossword. What I enjoyed about making the crossword was thinking of the clues for the down and across words. I didn't really learn that much while making the crossword apart from how hard it can be to think of slightly un-obvious clues for the hidden words. Another think that I learnt was that how easy creating the actual crossword was because i didn't know the the website would design the puzzle after you finished the words and clues.

That's it for now folks!
Thank's for reading and see you soon!

Monday, September 5, 2016

'I'm working so hard'

Welcome back readers.
Today we will discuss a very formal topic. It is simply how well we do in school work.

I think that my time management skills at this point in life are good. Every week (I'll drop the fancy act now) I manage to finish all my tasks on Thursday or Friday which is where we are suppost to be at this age.

I feel that I balance all my work between school and home and I occasionally do some at 'After School Care'. I think this helps me relax a bit more when I am actually doing tasks. I feel like my work is at a higher standard when I am more relaxed.

Although I balance my work out between school and home I think that I am making a good use of my time at school. At task time I try to get a descent amount of work done.

I think that one thing that helps me concentrate is just working by myself without talking to anyone so I can stay focused because i find it harder when people are trying to talk to me when I work. I think another thing that can help me while working is working with a partner. That way if one of us gets distracted we can remind each other to get back to work.

That's it for now readers!
Work hard!

Image result for hard working funny gif
Crank it down a notch

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Production dancing

Welcome back viewers of my blog! Today I will be talking about how our production dance practises ave been going in the past few weeks.

So far I think that the dancing has been really fun and the moves are not that hard to learn and the songs are pretty catchy too. 

The first dance we learned was called 'Robin Hood'. This song had a catchy tune and the dance moves are pretty cool.

The second song that we learnt was called 'No Money'. It is a nice up-beat song. The moves in this song are quite faster than the moves in 'Robin hood' and harder to dance in time with but I still find it more fun because of its moves, the speed and music. 

In the dance sessions some things that I think would help lead the dances to success is to listen carefully to the instructions that the teachers give us and to try my best to execute the moves as properly and with the best timing I can possibly do (AKA just try my best). 
Image result for funny dancing
That's it for now peeps! 
Thanks for reading. See you next time!