Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Plant facts

Hello guys and welcome back to my blog!
Image result for planty the potted plantHere are some fun facts about plants:
Did you know...................

Flowers have both male (anther) and a female part (stigma).

Plants reproduce using seeds using flowers or cones. The ones that don't use spores.

Plants can also have a male and female form.

Different colours on flowers attract different types of animals.

That's it for now folks!
Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Term 4 goals

Related imageWelcome back readers!
Today I will be talking about the goals I set at the start of the term.

So far this term I have completed a few of my goals.
One of my goals that I set for myself was scoring 8 points in a basketball game. This term I have smashed that goal and scored 13 points in a game.

Another goal that I have completed is to get to at least the semi-finals for the speech competition which I am very proud of. It has been really fun lately and hopefully (I'm actually not sure how I feel about this) I get to the finals.

Image result for it's a  goal  memeOne goal I have failed in is getting an excellence badge. At least I tried.

One goal I want to change is my sports goal to: get over 15 points in a game. it sounds hard but J.L's done it so it's possible.

That's it for now folks.
See you next time and aim high!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Monday, November 14, 2016

Speechy speeches

Welcome back readers.
Well the speech competition is coming soon and I am still trying to fully remember my speech.

This year I feel more prepared than all my other years doing speeches. I have been practicing every day recently.I am trying to learn it off by heart but I am finding it hard. I think I might end up memorising it eventually.My cue cards are all done and I have not put all of my speech on them.
Some of the things I have to work on are NOT sounding like a robot because you can hear it clearly that I am trying to memorise my speech. I need to memorise my speech more and not being so stresses when delivering my speech.

That's it for now folks.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Book week review

Hello again readers and welcome back to my blog! Today I will be talking about the wonders of book week!

As my book week character, I went as none other than.........................Rafael from Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles. It was fun at first, being able to run around with a super tight onesie costume but then I felt like I was getting strangled while I was sitting down.

Image result for aristotle's nostril bookOn Wednesday and Thursday the whole school had a book swap. luckily on the second day I was able to swap one book but there weren't many left. I ended up picking a book called:
It's a book about a germ in of course Aristotle's nostril who wants to be happy. I personally think the germ is a booger.

For my book week activity I made a Harry Potter logo and stuck it onto some black paper and cut it out in a circle then I put lightning bolts in the background.

That's it for now folks!
Thank's for reading and see you next time!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Image result for flick the fire engineWelcome back readers!
Today I will be talking about some of my favourite books.

My favourite picture book when I was younger was 'Flick the little fire engine'. It was about a little fire engine named Flick. At the beginning of the book the other bigger fire engines wouldn't let him go on their missions until they get into trouble and he saves the day. I think the main reason I liked the book was because it had its own songs that you could listen to on our radio.

Image result for 100  most series

My favourite author right now would have to be Anna Claybourne. She writes the 100 most... series. I like the books Anna Claybourne writes because they are very informative.

Image result for 13 story treehouse plotThroughout the whole year my favourite book would have to be 'The 13 story tree-house'. I like this book because it has a good story-line. It's all about Andy and Terry making a new book before the due date but they keep getting distracted and getting themselves into all kinds of trouble. In the end they write a story about their crazy day.

Thank's for reading peeps!
I hope you enjoyed this post.
Comment down below what books you enjoy/ed reading.
See you next time!

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Welcome back readers!
Today I will reflect on the pleasant memories of last weeks  production.

My favourite role in the production was probably acting as Guy of Gisbourne. Yes, you heard (but really read) correctly. I was DAT GUY! I also played a role in the choir and got to be one of the singers for the opening trio on the second night.

The highlight for me in the production would have to be the jokes. They were everywhere and hilarious at some parts. I also remember on the second night when Iraklis almost fell of his throne, though it was accidental it was pretty funny. Shout-out to Iraklis for recovering so well!

Image result for funny acting memeThere was one thing that I'd do differently now that I think of it. It would be more convincing with my hand gestures and when my money gets stolen off of me.

That's it for no folks.
Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Famous quotes

Hey guys!
Welcome back to my blog. Today we will be talking about a famous quote that I like that I found on the interwebbs.

The quote I chose was "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

This quote appeals to me because this means you should take risks or you'll never know what would have happened. It also could relate to basketball like if you don't take an important shot you're guaranteed to miss.

The person who said this quote was Lee Harvey Oswald.

That's it for now folks!
Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Current news from N.A.S.A

Welcome back readers!
This will be my last blog post for this term so here's the topic for the post: what's going on in Space?

A 'storm' in space has been spotted in outer space. This was actually a group of hot and newly formed stars that were emitting very bright ultraviolet light. The heat made the hydrogen gas to glow.

This is thought of by scientists as the start of a massive star formation (galaxy). This group of stars is 160, 000 light years away and is south of the Tarantula nebula.

That's it for now folks!
I hope you enjoyed this terms blog posts!
See you next term!milky blue gasses, dark ruddy dust streaks and many stars

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Space Projects

Welcome back readers!
Today I will be talking/ typing about a space project that I have completed in the previous weeks.
Let's blast off into today's blog post.

Image result for funny space gifMy favourite activity so far would probably be my space crossword. What I enjoyed about making the crossword was thinking of the clues for the down and across words. I didn't really learn that much while making the crossword apart from how hard it can be to think of slightly un-obvious clues for the hidden words. Another think that I learnt was that how easy creating the actual crossword was because i didn't know the the website would design the puzzle after you finished the words and clues.

That's it for now folks!
Thank's for reading and see you soon!

Monday, September 5, 2016

'I'm working so hard'

Welcome back readers.
Today we will discuss a very formal topic. It is simply how well we do in school work.

I think that my time management skills at this point in life are good. Every week (I'll drop the fancy act now) I manage to finish all my tasks on Thursday or Friday which is where we are suppost to be at this age.

I feel that I balance all my work between school and home and I occasionally do some at 'After School Care'. I think this helps me relax a bit more when I am actually doing tasks. I feel like my work is at a higher standard when I am more relaxed.

Although I balance my work out between school and home I think that I am making a good use of my time at school. At task time I try to get a descent amount of work done.

I think that one thing that helps me concentrate is just working by myself without talking to anyone so I can stay focused because i find it harder when people are trying to talk to me when I work. I think another thing that can help me while working is working with a partner. That way if one of us gets distracted we can remind each other to get back to work.

That's it for now readers!
Work hard!

Image result for hard working funny gif
Crank it down a notch

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Production dancing

Welcome back viewers of my blog! Today I will be talking about how our production dance practises ave been going in the past few weeks.

So far I think that the dancing has been really fun and the moves are not that hard to learn and the songs are pretty catchy too. 

The first dance we learned was called 'Robin Hood'. This song had a catchy tune and the dance moves are pretty cool.

The second song that we learnt was called 'No Money'. It is a nice up-beat song. The moves in this song are quite faster than the moves in 'Robin hood' and harder to dance in time with but I still find it more fun because of its moves, the speed and music. 

In the dance sessions some things that I think would help lead the dances to success is to listen carefully to the instructions that the teachers give us and to try my best to execute the moves as properly and with the best timing I can possibly do (AKA just try my best). 
Image result for funny dancing
That's it for now peeps! 
Thanks for reading. See you next time!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Josh R News

Welcome back to Josh R News. Todays news update: A man who jumped of a plane from over 25 000 and lived.
I'll hand it over to Joshua.

Thanks Joshua.
Now to the topic. On July 30th 2016 a 43-year-old man by the name of  Luke Aikins became the first man ever to jump of a plane at an altitude of 25 000 feet off the ground without a parachute or wing-suit. The only thing stopping him from hitting the ground and certain death was a 100-by 100 foot net suspended by 4 200 foot tall cranes. On his perilous jounce down Luke would have to use his experience combined with riding the air currents to get him to his desired location. He also had the help of sensors that beeped every time he went off course.

What made his 'safe' landing possible was the net that was made with high density polyethylene cord which is 2 times stronger than steel yet can stretch to max proportions. It was then given the nick-name, the Fly Trap. Upon landing Luke Aikins changes his positions to facing up at the sky instead of down. This allowed him to bend as much as he needed without a risk of  back injury.

This was definitely a dangerous stunt.


That's it for now. I'll hand it over to Joshua.

Thanks Joshua
That's it for now on Josh R News. See you next time with our next news update.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Post of myster and confusion! Woah! ( Are you confuzled yet? )

Welcome back readers, I've been expecting you. So do think you're clever aye?

Can you solve this riddle?

  • I have a good sense in rhythm
  • I occasionally skip 
  • I like to keep my pressure under control
  • I am the centre of a network of tunnels
What/Who am I?

Have you figured it out yet?

Thanks for reading guys! See you in the next post.

Guess in the comments section down below.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Olympic games

Hey guys!
Right now the Olympics are going on so on that topic today I'll be talking about an Olympic event I've watched this week.

The event I chose was men's under 56kg weight lifting. What i liked about this event so much is seeing how strong the men that competed were. What was amazing was that some of the weights that people lifted were up to 5 times the lifters weight.

I thing that a have a pretty good understanding about this even because I feel that it has fairly basic rules. All you have to do is stay in the marked area, lift the weight with fully extended arms for a few seconds then try to lift the heaviest weight in the end.

The top 2 weight lifters had really close scores while the one in 3rd place trailed about 20 kgs behind.
This is what the top podium scores looked like:
1st-long QingQuan- China
2nd-Om Yun Chol- PRK ( Peoples Republic of Korea)
3rd-Sinphet Kruaithong- Thailand

Thank for reading guys!
That's it for now!
Who are you supporting in the Rio 2016 Olympics?
Feel free to comment down below about your opinions about this blog post and Olympics down below.

Here is a gif for your amusement. YAY!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Reading groups

Hello people of the world todays blog post will be about my reading group so far.
The book I was chosen to read was called 'The Silver Sword' and so far it has been really good. Everyone has been contributing well.
One think I can do to help with my group is to stop them from being silly and contribute more of my ideas.
That's all for now folks. Bye!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Medieval stuff

Welcometh backeth readeth'rs. Lasteth week wast medieval week f'r mine own syndicate. ev'ryone in mine own class wast did split into groups of 4 and each of those folk hadst their owneth topics to maketh their activities bas'd off. Mine own group has't chosen medieval sicknesses as our topic.

Ehem, ehem! Sorry if you could not understand my amazing medieval talk back there. Anyway I've come here to talk about the activities on medieval week.

I think that our medieval lesson was actually pretty good apart from some facts we forgot to put in for our quiz. Our teamwork skill went well because we were always filling in for each other when we forgot what to say or our words got jumbled. Another thing that went well was when it was time to construct our power point most of my group pulled together and got the job done.

I also think that we could have worked better as a team when we first started. Our group basically had two different ideas and weren't sharing ideas any more but we eventually worked it out.

I enjoyed all of the other groups activities but the one that was my favourite was probably the merchant group. They taught us all about being a merchant and also set up a really fun trading game where you had to try to end up with the most money.

That's it for now guys. Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Kapa Haka

Kia ora readers! Welcome back to my  blog.

A few weeks ago our  syndicate has started to do Kapa Haka. This is where we do traditional Maori dances and so far I am finding it quite enjoyable. I feel as thought I'm participating well and I'm trying to do the moves as properly as I can. So far in Kapa Haka I have been finding  it quite easy to copy what the leaders are telling us to do so it it just a matter of memorising the moves a bit better myself. I think one way of improving my performance during Kapa Haka is to try hard do the moves in time with the music and listen carefully while the leaders are explaining what to do. Overall I think that Kapa Haka is fun and enjoyable and is definitely worth the time.

Thanks for reading folks! I hope you liked my review on Kapa Haka and see you next time! O.K maybe not 'see' but you get what I mean. HAHA! LOL! Now eye (see what eye did there!) can see you through these eyes!

NOW I'll see you next time. Bye!

Monday, May 30, 2016

Coding at Electives

So far this term coding has been really fun. We have been using Hopscotch to learn how to construct simple games such as our own versions of Crossy Road and Geometry Dash.

At times I have found coding challenging and difficult but it was still fun learning from what I did wrong and customising my game.

Right now to make the most of my learning I am planning to download the Hopscotch app and try to make more games.

Overall coding has been better than I had expected I have learned the basics of coding and now can code in my own time. It has also taught me a lot more about coding than I did .

I think coding is really fun and if you're thinking about trying it you should definitely give it a go. Well that's it for now. Thanks' for reading. Till next time, over and out.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Castle Building

HEY GUYS! I'm back for another blog post and this time it will be about our castle building experience now that our castles are now built.

Image result for cartoon castle

My group actually had quite a few problems while constructing our "masterpiece." At times each of us had our own other thing to do which slowed us down.

Our team work at the start was actually pretty good but started to lessen up by quite a bit later on the week. I think it was partially because that some of us were getting busy and had to get all their  other work done. One god thing was that we were one of the first groups to think of their idea first so that we could get started quickly. The way we did this was basically we took turns in making ideas and if we liked them we would stick to them.

We resolved these problems by just keeping our head in the game and moving forward even though sometimes it was really annoying to keep on going.

So that's it for now guy's! Thank's for reading and see you next time on "Joshua's Blog"

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Cross Country

READY....................GET SET.................GO!

Last week our school had done our annual cross country and you're probably wondering what place I came in. Well I actually that question can not be answered due to me still being sick when I came back to school. Because of this I was turned into a marshal and I'm not saying I was turned into a guy called Marshal I'm talking about a guy who shows people where to go but there is a good side to this. I got to get better information for my blog. YAY! So now it is time for the main part of this blog post. It's time to reveal some of the people who showed epic values during the race.

PERSEVERANCE: I saw Aidan and Billy showing this value showing this value when they kept going even though they were really tired.

EMPATHY: I saw Caitlin showing empathy to Elyse when she was finding it really hard to keep on going.

So those are the values we were told to write about. Thanks for reading. Now if you excuse me I must make my way! 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mr Bean

Hey Guys! The movie is just about to start! Please mute all electrical devices. Now sit back relax and enjoy the show!

So............ I'm pretty sure most of you have seen the movie; Mr Beans' Holiday. Yea the one where Mr Bean wins a holiday to Cannes. For those of you who don't know this is a brief summary; Mr bean wins a holiday to Cannes, France and goes their by train. He gets off and eats some seafood and gets on a different train but accidentally makes a father late for the same train. Mr bean helps the little boy who's father had been left behind. On the way they get separated and Mr Bean meets a woman who happens to also be heading to Cannes. The two eventually meet again and they continue on their way to Cannes. Their they meet the boys father and the movie ends with everyone singing in French.
I like this movie because it is very entertaining and funny. I has a good plot and it would be great to watch with the whole family.
So yea. That's pretty much an accurate summary for the movie for you. But what do I rate it you may ask?


I RATE IT ..............(DRUM ROLL PLEASE!) 4 stars!!!!!!!!!1

So that's is for now folks! I hope you enjoyed the show and see you next time!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Knowledge, knowledge is good

I've been expecting you, whoever you are, for some time now. I also know why you have come. You have come seeking limitless knowledge. I have travelled long distances teaching my teaching sand fighting wrong doers. Now you have come to me seeking limitless knowledge about the past, present and future. You want to become strong beyond compare but what you must know is that before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind. There is much to teach and there is still much for you to learn. Yet there is not enough time. So instead of teaching you everything separately I will have to teach you the answer to everything my pupil. This will be my first but final teaching. But to prove you are worthy you must complete this final test. You must read what this amazing person had learnt during his first term in 2016.
Welcome my pupils. I am full of knowledge.

Hey guys!
That was the wise old ninja. You can call him Sensei. Do everything he says because he is wise and he is old. Trust me, the answer will be worth it.

So these are 3 things I learnt this term:

One thing that I learned was how to read a map. In camp Kieran (Our group's instructor) helped us navigate to read the map by telling us that you need to make the drawings on the map parallel to the real world. I'm not sure if I'll be able to use this skill later in life but it is still good to know. This skill will help me not to get lost as easily in the wild:)

Another thing I learnt was how to separate salt from sand after they are mixed together. In the process I have also learned that salt actually dissolves quickly after being exposed to water. The way you separate them is to pour water into the cup. This will dissolve the salt. Then you filter the sand from the water and you boil the water. This will leave you with the salt residue. At this point you should have separated the salt from the sand.

This is a diagram of what detergent molecules look like. 
The last of the three things that I learnt this term is that when you touch milk and different types of food colouring in a bowl with detergent the food colouring seems to avoid it. This happens because (as you see in the diagram) the water-loving body wants to connect to a water molecule while the grease-loving tail want to connect to a fat molecule. When eventually one end gets what it wants the other end still wants to find its desired molecule and goes 'crazy' while trying to do so. This is why the food colouring seems to try to avoid the detergent.

So these were 3 things I learned this term. Thanks for reading and see you next time!
I'll pass it on to the wise old ninja.

Well done my pupil you have pest my final test. You have now proven you are worthy of knowing the answer to everything:
The answer is............................................................................
